
وأما بعد...

I was having lunch with my mother at
Daily Plaza and a man was killed right in front of me..He died in my arms and I thought... It CAN'T end just like that on Valentine's Day.. and I thought about ALL the people who loved him waiting at home who will never see him again.. and then I thought.. wot if there is no one?! wot if you lived yourWHOLE life and no one is waiting?! --- Kate (Sandra Bullock) in The Lake House

وأنا أشترك معها في التساؤل الأخير

بدي أشوفه مرة واحدة بس --- عمرو (ابن عمى) رداً على فكرة إن بابا دلوقتي أكيد في الجنة

يعني هنبقى جنب قبر بابا؟ --- منى (بنت عمى) رداً على اقتراح الإنتقال لشقة أخرى بإيجار أقل

Why do people cry? What do you mean? Seth: I mean, what happens physically? Maggie: Well... umm... tear ducts operate on a normal basis to lubricate and protect the eye and when you have an emotion they overact and create tears. Seth: Why? Why do they overact? Maggie: [pause] I don't know. Seth: Maybe... maybe emotion becomes so intense ..your body just can't contain it. Your mind and your feelings become too powerful, and your body weeps

from City of Angels

يابخت اللى يموت وتبقى أمه لسه عايشة وراضية عنه وبتدعيله--- جدتي

وأنا أيضاً أدعو لك ولست وحدي بكل تأكيد.. كلنا هنا نفتقدك بشدة.. ونطلب من الله سبحانه وتعالى الرحمة والمغفرة لك والصبر وحسن الخاتمة لنا